A K-pop pancake
It uses simple ingredients: a Staffordshire oatcake, cheese and Korean kimchi, all available from our local Sainsburys and, I am sure, other supermarkets.
The Staffordshire oatcakes I use come in packets of six and can be stored in the freezer. When the time comes to use them an individual oatcake can be separated from the rest with a knife (be careful though - you don't want to finish up in Accident & Emergency). The rest should go back in the freezer as they do not keep very well in the fridge.
When the time comes to use it separate the oatcake and soak it in cold water for a couple of minutes to defrost it, then shake off the surplus water. Lay it flat on a microwaveable plate.
Spread the kimchi (forked out of a jar) across the oatcake then add enough grated cheese to cover the oatcake and kimchi in a layer about 2 cm thick (less or more according to taste). Use your favourite variety of cheese - I use strong cheddar.
Put the plate with its flat layer of ingredients in the microwave and cook on full power for about a minute and a half. This may need adjusting to suit your microwave, but you simply need to give it enough time to melt the cheese nicely.
Take it out of the microwave - remembering it will be very hot - and roll it with a knife and fork into a fat Swiss roll shape. Then eat it.